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                Benjamin Blundell -

This software is released under the MIT Licence. See LICENCE.txt for details

PXL entry point

Setting up a namespace this way instead of with a function as we are using npm and Browserify. We effectively go with a mixin strategy, treating the namespace as an object (which it always was). We override the effects of rquires with util.extend Without util.extend we dont quite get the namespace effect when we browserify

PXL = {} GL = {} # Global GL - Is overwritten often - Shorthand for util = require './util/util'

extend - adds objects to our master coffeegl object, namespace style

extend = -> switch arguments.length when 1 util.extend PXL, arguments[0] when 2 pkg = arguments[0] PXL[pkg] = {} if not PXL[pkg]? util.extend PXL[pkg], arguments[1]

If we are in a browser add to the window object

window.PXL = PXL if window? window.GL = GL if window?

Add extra classes to our coffeegl namespace

extend require './core/app' extend require './core/node' extend "Math", require './math/math' extend "Math", require './math/curve' extend "Math", require './math//math_functions' extend "Colour", require './colour/colour' extend "Geometry", require './geometry/primitive' extend "Geometry", require './geometry/shape' extend "Geometry", require './geometry/plane' extend "Import", require './import/obj' extend "Import", require './import/md5' extend "GL", require './gl/shader' extend "GL", require './gl/uber_shader_paths' extend "GL", require './gl/uber_shader' extend "GL", require './gl/fbo' extend "GL", require './gl/texture' extend "GL", require './gl/webgl' extend "Util", require './util/request' extend "Util", require './util/promise' extend "Util", require './util/util' extend "Util", require './util/signal' extend "Util", require './util/log' extend "Util", require './util/voronoi' extend "Util", require './util/medial_axis' extend "Util", require './util/webcam' extend "Util", require './util/noise' extend "Util", require './util/cache_var' extend "Interact", require './interact/key' extend "Interact", require './interact/mouse' extend "Interact", require './interact/touch' extend "Camera", require './camera/camera' extend "Light", require './light/light' extend "Material", require './material/material' extend "Material", require './material/basic' extend "Material", require './material/phong' extend "Material", require './material/depth' extend "Material", require './material/normal' extend "Animation", require './animation/animation'

_setupFrame - the accepted method for setting up onEachFrame in various browsers TODO - We should record the apps listening on this so we can pause individual ones?

PXL.applications = [] _setupFrame = (root) -> if root.requestAnimationFrame onEachFrame = (context, run) ->

Check to make sure we arent duplicating contexts and run funcs (due to restarting)

for [c,r] in PXL.applications if c == context and r == run return PXL.applications.push [context,run] _cb = () -> for app in PXL.applications PXL.Context.switchContext app[0] app[1].call app[0] requestAnimationFrame _cb _cb() else if root.webkitRequestAnimationFrame onEachFrame = (context, run) ->

Check to make sure we arent duplicating contexts and run funcs (due to restarting)

for [c,r] in PXL.applications if c == context and r == run return PXL.applications.push [context,run] _cb = () -> for app in PXL.applications PXL.Context.switchContext app[0] app[1].call app[0] webkitRequestAnimationFrame _cb _cb() else if root.mozRequestAnimationFrame onEachFrame = (context, run) -> PXL.applications.push [context,run] _cb = () -> for app in PXL.applications PXL.Context.switchContext app[0] app[1].call app[0] mozRequestAnimationFrame _cb _cb() else onEachFrame = (context, run) -> PXL.applications.push [context,run] _go = () -> for app in PXL.applications PXL.Context.switchContext app[0] app[1].call app[0] setInterval _go, 1000 / 60 root.onEachFrame = onEachFrame if window? _setupFrame(window) module.exports = PXL : PXL GL : GL